Astralpool - Anti-algae liquid concentrate 5 l 11420

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Antialgas de la marca Astralpool

  • Formato de 5 l
  • Previene la formación de algas
  • Producto concentrado idóneo para profesionales

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Fast-acting compound, formulated on the basis of surfactant products with a high bactericidal, algaecidal and fungicidal power, designed to prevent the formation and development of algae in the pool water.

Mode of use and dosage

Prevention against algae.

    • Initial treatment: Add 2 lts. of product per 100 m3 of water.
    • Maintenance treatment: Add once a week 0.5 lts.

    The initial treatment can be repeated whenever a lack of transparency in the water is observed.

    These doses are for guidance only and may be modified according to the characteristics of each pool, climate, etc.

    Prevention against algae.

    Pour the required dose of product into a container with water and spread the solution evenly over the surface of the pool. The addition of the product should preferably be done at dusk and without the presence of bathers in the pool water.
