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Legal notice

Legal notice

1. PSSI data

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, then the identification data of this Internet portal, which is put at the service of the service of the Users for the following holder/Responsible:

  • Denomination: "Fontia Suministros, S.L." (From now on, "Bricoandpool")

  • CIF of the holder: B-93349330

  • CNAE: 4673 - wholesale and retail

  • ACTIVITY OF THE RESPONSIBLE: The storage, marketing, purchase and sale both wholesale and retail of pipes, taps and all kinds of sanitary devices and sanitation materials, works and constructions materials and the like, as well as any complementary or foreign operation derived from that.

  • Registered office: C/ Leda, nº 22, Polygon Industrial Pérez Texeira, CP: 29006 - Málaga

  • PSSI country: Spain

  • Contact email: info@bricoandpool.com

  • Email Orders: pedidos@bricoandpool.com

  • Official website: www.bricoandpool.com

  • Registration data: Reg. Malaga Commercial, T 5310, L 4217, F 136, S 8, H MA124430, I/A 1

  • Constitution date: 08/20/2014

  • Registration of treatment activities available to the control authority.

  • DPO designated before the Control Authority: dpo@fontia.es

  • In accordance with Art. 30 of the RGPD 679/2017, there is a record of internal treatment activities available to the control authority.

Introduction: Bricoandpool is the commercial name owned by a company constituted in Spain whose corporate purpose is the marketing of products related to the cleaning and maintenance of swimming pools, pumps and irrigation systems, pipes, taps and all kinds of sanitary devices and materials of sanitation, works and construction materials and the like (hereinafter, the "products"). The products are marketed and offered by Bricoandpool, also, the domain name, ownership of the company is: www.bricoandpool.com

Bricoandol informs that access to this website or its use in any form imply the acceptance of all the provisions of this legal notice. Bricoandpool reserves the right to modify this notice at any time. Consequently, it will be the responsibility of every user, the reading of the legal notice in force on each of the occasions in which it access this website, so, if it does not agree with any of the conditions arranged here, it must refrain with respect to to the use of this website.

Through the Bricoandpool website, it facilitates access to various content, possible services, product exhibition, information about our pools and irrigation equipment, and their related contents (spare parts, updates, manuals, documentation and technical assistance), and Other company data and its commercial network (delegations). Access to the website is free and free. However, the use of certain services (purchase online with general contracting conditions) may require payments and prior authentication/registration through the introduction of the username and password.

2. Intellectual property

The source code, graphic designs, logos, images of our website/equipment, products, staff, companies, photographs, videos, animations, software, texts, as well as the information and the contents that are collected In this website they are protected by Spanish legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights in favor of Bricoandpool and reproduction and/or publication, total or partial, of the website, or its computer treatment, its distribution, its distribution, its distribution, its distribution, its distribution is not allowed Its dissemination, or its modification, transformation or decompilation, or other rights legally recognized to its owner, without the previous and written permission of Bricoandpool. The user, unique and exclusively, can use the material that appears on this website for personal and private use, being prohibited its use for commercial purposes or to incur illegal activities. All rights derived from intellectual property are expressly reserved by Bricoandpool®.

Bricoandpool will ensure compliance with the previous conditions as well as due to the proper use of the contents presented in its web pages, exercising all the civil and criminal actions that correspond to it in the case of infringement or breach of these rights by the user. Bricoandpool is the owner of the elements that make up the graphic design of its website, the menus, navigation buttons, the HTML code, the texts, images, textures, graphics and any other content of the website or, in any case, it has the corresponding authorization for the use of said elements. Likewise, it is prohibited to suppress, avoid or manipulate the “copyright” and other identifying data of the rights of Bricoandpool, as well as the technical protection devices, or any web information mechanisms.

3. Personal data protection

Bricoandpool, as responsible for the processing of the user's personal data, informs you that these data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (RGPD) regarding the protection of people Physical in regards to the processing of personal data and the recent Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5 (L.O.P.D.-G.D.D.) regarding the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights.

Bricoandpool, in application of articles 37 and following of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (RGPD), has a data protection delegate officially designated before the Control Authority (www.aepd.es) And whose contact information is detailed below:

  • Address: C/ LEDA, Nº 22, Polygon Industrial Pérez Texeira, CP: 29006 - Malaga.

  • Electronic contact address: dpo@fontia.es

The fields of any of the contact/registration forms, order, sending of C. Vitae or analogues, present or future, and that are marked (*)/mandatory, are strictly necessary to be able to provide the service or provide the requested information , being voluntary the inclusion of data in the remaining fields. The non -completion or partial completion of the personal data requested in the mandatory fields could assume that Bricoandpool could not meet their request for information, formalization of orders, or take into account their candidacy for any of the processes of selection of open personnel In the company, or manage and coordinate its commercial relationship with Bricoandpool. The aforementioned data obtained will be incorporated, depending on their purpose, to the Registry of Internal Treatment Activities (Article 30 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016). The treatment activities record is available to the control authority.

4. Several

A.- Bricoandpool uses cookies that help optimize your visit. If you continue to sail on this website, and based on the configured preferences, the allowed cookies will be loaded, and in any case those necessary for navigation, as noted in the notice enabled on the web. Cookies are small files that our computer sends to yours, but that does not provide us with information or their name, or about any personal data of them. When the user is sailing on the Bricoandpool websites, the server where it is housed automatically recognizes the IP address of their computer, the day and time at which the visit begins, in which he leaves the visit, as well as information about information about information about The different sections consulted. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the link about information on the use of cookies (Link) It is regulated and informed about the use of cookies by Bricoandpool on the web, committing the head of the website to notify the user, prior, to accept the use of cookies, as well as to provide information about them and procedure to deactivate them.

B.- Bricoandpool may modify, without prior notice, the information contained on its website, as well as its configuration and presentation.

C.- Bricoandpool is committed through this medium not to perform deceptive advertising. For these purposes, therefore, formal or numerical errors that may be found throughout the content of the different sections of the Bricoandpool website will not be considered as a result of an incomplete or defective maintenance and/or update of the information contained in these sections. Bricoandpool, as a consequence of the provisions of this section, undertakes to correct it as soon as it is aware of such errors.

Bricoandpool may make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates on the information contained on its website, or in its configuration or presentation. Bricoandpool makes all possible efforts so that the information provided through its website is clear, understandable and adequate, as well as to avoid errors as far as possible and, where appropriate, repair or update them. However, Bricoandpool cannot guarantee the absence of errors or that the information content is permanently updated.

D.- Bricoandpool undertakes not to send commercial communications without identifying them as such, in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce. For these purposes, all information sent to Bricoandpool customers will not be considered as commercial communication provided that the maintenance of the contractual relationship between the client and Bricoandpool is intended, as well as the performance of the information and maintenance tasks of information and maintenance of Our irrigation and pool equipment, as well as its maintenance, guarantee and technical assistance.

E.- Bricoandol is not responsible for the breach of any applicable standard that the user can incur in their access to the website this website and/or the use of the information contained therein.

F.- Bricoandpool will not be responsible for the damages produced or that may occur, whatever their nature, which derive from the use of information, the subjects contained in this website and the programs it incorporates. The links (links) and hypertext that allow, through the website this website, access the user to benefits and services offered by third parties, do not belong or are under the control of Bricoandpool, which is not responsible, in any Case, of the damages of any nature that could cause, by way of enunciative, errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the contents, despite having adopted all the technological measures necessary to avoid it ..

G.- Bricoandpool is not responsible for the illegitimate use that third parties can make of brand names, product names, partners, varieties, trademarks that, not being owned by Bricoandpool, appear on this website. Nor is it responsible for the integrity, veracity and legality of the content of the links to the websites to which it can be accessed from the present website. Bricoandpool reserves the right to exercise the legal actions that it deems appropriate derived from any illicit uses by third parties of the contents of its website.

H.- In short, the user is solely responsible for the use of services, content, links (links) and hypertext included in the website this website.

I.- Duration and termination: The provision of the portal service and other services has, in principle, an indefinite duration. Bricoandpool, however, is authorized to terminate or suspend the provision of the Bricoandpool portal at any time, without prejudice to what had been arranged in this regard in the corresponding particular hiring conditions. When this is reasonably possible, Bricoandpool will previously warn the termination or suspension of the provision of the portal service and other services.

J.- Responsibility, access and stay on the web

Users are entirely responsible for their behavior by accessing the web information, while sailing in it, as well as after having accessed.

As a consequence of the above, users are the only ones responsible to Bricoandpool of:

  1. The consequences that may be derived from a use for illicit purposes or effects contrary to this legal notice, of any content of the website elaborated or not by Bricoandpool published or not under its name officially.

  2. As well as from the consequences that may be derived from the use contrary to the content of this document and harmful to the interests or rights of third parties, or that in any way they can damage, disable or deteriorate the website or its services or prevent normal enjoyment of other users.

Bricoandpool reserves the right to update the contents of the web when it deems appropriate, as well as to eliminate, limit them or prevent access to them, temporarily or definitively, as well as deny access to the website to users who make an evil Use of the contents and/or breach any of the conditions that appear in this legal notice.

Bricoandpool informs that it does not guarantee:

  1. That access to the website and/or link website be interrupted or contains error.

  2. That the content to which users access through the website does not contain any error, computer viruses or other elements in the contents that may produce alterations in their system or in electronic documents and files stored in their computer system or cause other types of other types of damage.

  3. The use that of the information or content of this website or link websites that users can perform for their personal purposes.

  4. Immediate responses to the electronic communications received. Our habitual response time is between 24 and 48 working hours from the reception of your message. We assure you that all the messages received will be addressed and processed with due diligence. Bricoandpool assumes no responsibility for any consequence, damage or damage that may result from any delay in our response.

The information contained in this website must be considered by users as an informative and guiding, both in relation to its purpose and its purpose, which is why Bricoandpool does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in this website and therefore does not assume Any responsibility on possible damages or discomforts for users who could derive from some inaccuracy present on the website.

Bricoandpool assumes no responsibility, by way of enunciative, but not limiting:

  1. Of the possible damages to the users caused by a normal or abnormal operation of the search tools, the organization or location of the contents and/or access to the web located and in general, of the errors or problems that are generated in The development of the technical elements that the web or a program facilitates the user.

  2. Of the contents of those pages that users can access from links included in the website whether authorized or not.

  3. Of third -party acts or omissions, regardless of whether these third parties could be united/related to Bricoandol through collaboration or sponsorship contract.

  4. Of the access of minors to the contents included on the web, being the responsibility of their parents or guardians to exercise adequate control over the activity of the minors under their charge.

  5. Of communications or dialogues in the course of debates, forums, chat and virtual communities, social networks ownership of Bricoandpool, and others that are organized through, or around the web and/or link websites, nor will he respond therefore of the possible damages suffered by private and/or collective users as a result of these communications and/or dialogues.

Bricoandpool will not be responsible in any case when they occur:

  1. Errors in access to the website by the user when entering their data in the contact form, the slowness or impossibility of reception by the recipients of the requested information or any anomaly that may arise when these incidents are due to problems in the Internet network, fortuitous or force majeure causes and to any other unpredictable contingency outside the Bricoandpool's good faith.

  2. Failures or incidents that could occur in communications, deleted or incomplete transmissions, so that it is not guaranteed that the website services are operational.

  3. Of errors or damage to the website for a use of inefficient and bad faith by the user.

  4. Of the non -operation or problems in the email address facilitated by the user to send possible information requested to Bricoandpool.

  5. In any case, Bricoandpool undertakes to solve the problems that may arise and offer all the necessary support to the user to reach a quick solution of the incidence.

This website has been reviewed and tested for it to work properly. Bricoandpool will ensure that users access the portal every day and hours of the year.

Virus, phishing and computer attacks

You must make good use of this website so you cannot introduce viruses, Trojans, logical bombs or any other harmful or harmful material intentionally. You will not try to have unauthorized access to this website or the server where you are. He undertakes not to attack this website by any method.

Failure to comply with this section can lead to violations typified in the applicable regulations. Bricoandpool will inform the relevant authorities in case of any attack to discover the identity of the attacker. In case of non -compliance with this clause, it will cease to be authorized for the use of this website. We will not be responsible for any damage that results from a computer attack, viruses or denial of service that may affect your computer, including, among others the Phishing actions that Bricoandpool may suffer like other public entities and companies known nationally.

Phishing cases: Phishing is a type of cyber attack that is generally committed by sending emails that apparently come from sources of trust and whose main objective is to steal confidential information, as well as access credentials. One of the basic responsibilities of an organization is to guarantee its safety, avoiding the loss of confidential information and sensitive data. Some of the actions that from Bricoandpool can be taken in this regard are:

  1. Use safety measures to warn of suspicious emails such as possible automatic detection tools e-mails fraudulent;

  2. Adopt a policy of use of the web content manager to avoid this type of cyber attacks.

  3. Teach and raise employees through campaigns that allow them to identify and avoid phishing. In this sense, the National Cybersecurity Institute ("Infibe") has an "Awareness kit"That can be very useful.

  4. Establish a robust password policy that is changed with some periodicity.

  5. Give website administration permits only to employees who are really going to do this work and are trained for it.

  6. Protect the computer equipment that company has to automatically repel these types of attacks once they are already taking place.

  7. Existence of internal protocols that internally coordinate the necessary reaction and the possible communications to be affected to minorize the effect of phishing.

K.- Applicable Law and Jurisdiction: Access, use and, where appropriate, contract/sale through this website is governed by Spanish law. For the resolution of any controversy that may arise with respect to its validity, execution, compliance or resolution (total or partial) are submitted to the competence of the courts of Malaga. This contract constitutes the complete and complete expression of the agreement between Bricoandpool and the user. The use of the portal attributes the condition of user and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this legal notice.

Online litigation resolution in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013: The European Commission facilitates a online litigation resolution platform, which is available in the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

Related regulations:

If you want to obtain more information about the regulations that assist, protect and fix your rights, we put at your disposal the regulations that have inspired this Privacy Policy and that are relevant to you:

If you have any doubt, comment or suggestion about our services, our catalog of irrigation equipment and swimming pools available or through our website, spare parts or on our national assistance network, or on our website, please address in writing in:

  • Address: C/ LEDA, Nº 22, Polygon Industrial Pérez Texeira, CP: 29006 - Malaga.

  • Electronic contact address: info@bricoandpool.com

  • Updated and reviewed legal notice writing June 1, 2022.